A recent collaboration between IQM and DATEV demonstrated the potential of better portfolio optimization using a quantum computer. DATEV presented an industry-relevant case, while IQM provided a quantum computing approach, revealing the potential of the technology.
The Future of Portfolio Optimization Is in Quantum
Financial services have been an early adopter of quantum computing compared to other industries – with 86% of companies already investing in quantum readiness.
Solving the complex problem of portfolio optimization, especially for large portfolios using quantum solutions has the potential to unlock tremendous value when compared to existing classical solutions. A wide range of asset classes exist in the financial markets, each offering unique characteristics and risk profiles. As we delve deeper into the financial markets, the complexity of selecting the right assets and optimizing their performance grows exponentially.
Using the data provided by DATEV, IQM developed custom and executed a custom algorithm to solve the company’s portfolio optimization challenge. The algorithm was executed on IQM’s hardware, a 20 qubit QPU with our unique topology, enabling much better performance than typical quantum systems.
Download our whitepaper here: https://www.meetiqm.com/lp/the-future-of-portfolio-optimization-is-in-quantum